UMA background

Always embrace unexpected moment 

bee flying

Eating and Drinking.

These are essential parts of life, something we engage with throughout our entire lives.

Because it’s something we do every day, we want to break free from conventions, seek innovation, and focus on deliciousness.

Let’s bring innovation to the ordinary acts of “eating” and “drinking.” Let’s create an experience unlike anything seen before, one that inspires.

The deliciousness that arises from this will surely be unexpected.

Unexpected deliciousness can make eating, drinking, and living richer, happier, and more exciting.

This is what we believe.

So, let’s always embrace the unexpected moments.

bottles of kiwi & pine bottles of tomato & grape
logo kumanbachi


Uma Lav | 松蔵屋

〒300-1214 茨城県牛久市女化町775-11 TEL.0298797330

Uma Lav | Matsukuraya

〒300-1214 775-11 onabake-cho ushiku-shi ibakaki, Japan TEL.0298797330

Google Map
bottles of guava & pine